Several shots from different angles aboard deep sea lobster fishing boat "Margaret R.M.11" in Atlantic ocean of fishermen at work, hauling wooden traps and trawling nets with help of a big winch, of a man banding claws and putting lobsters in wooden boxes. Shot of fishes and crabs laying on deck, of the dumping in water of trawling nets with, at the end, the dumping of a red balloon and a buoy, of a man sweeping away crabs and fishes in the ocean. Several shots from different angles of men pulling in buoy and red balloon, of the anchor weigh, of fishermen at work hauling trawling nets, emptying them, banding claws. Several shots from different angles aboard coast guard patrol boat of men lowering a motor boat to water, of coast guards embarking in it and leaving patrol boat to lobster fishing boat, officer boarding fishing boat, of the hauling of traps with officer watching, of the banding of claws with patrol and motor boat in evidence in some shots.