Shot of blue-wing teal on water. MSs of Canada geese seen individually on side of stream. Two shots of several pelicans, of group on water, other group on land. Shots of cormorants on land, some quite close to camera, numerous pelicans visible in background. MLS of single tern on land. Shot of tern eggs in nest, new born chick struggling out of one shell. CU of chick. AERIAL SHOT of small sea bird sanctuary, large number of birds visible on land, on water, sunlight flashing on lens at one point. MCSs of grouse pecking for food. MLS, MCS of tree swallow bringing food to young swallow in hole nest. MCS of female red-winged blackbird feeding young in nest, reeds in background. MCSs of gray jay pecking from out of frying pan, from log. Shot of female black throated blue warbler feeding young in nest. Three shots of blue eggs in nest. Shots of other eggs in nest, gloved hand holding back shrubbery. Several shots of Mrs Richard Bird looking for birds' nests, uncovering nests with eggs. Several shots of Mr Bird walking about with camera and tripod, shooting, of Mrs Bird with camera, looking through binoculars in mountains.