STK-ID 34448

Building a Kayak: Several shots of Inuits taking down skin tent, folding it and rolling it preparatory to moving. Various shots of tent skins being loaded aboard kayak and of Inuit paddling kayak on water close to shore and of woman and boy following on shore. MS PANS of spring run-off from the land, small streams rushing down to the sea. MS of a pair of Arctic geese standing on ice near water's edge. GROUND TO AIR SHOTS of a single gull in flight. MCS of single gull on water. Several MSs and MCSs of king eider ducks swimming about on sea. MCSs of the horned lark moving about on tundra. Two short MCSs of a polar bear in water surrounded by chunks of ice. Two MCSs of a ground squirrel sitting up and moving off. CS of a husky dog's head and MCS of husky licking a piece of ice.


Excerpt from
Netsilik Eskimos
Restriction Information
C, o, p, r, o, d, u, c, e, d, , w, i, t, h, , E, d, u, c, a, t, i, o, n, , D, e, v, e, l, o, p, m, e, n, t, , C, e, n, t, r, e, , I, n, c, o, r, p, o, r, a, t, e, d, , (, E, D, C, )
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm color master pos
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486