STK-ID 3451

Various CSs of artist David Blackwood at work in his studio, as he uses varsol to remove wax from copper plate that has been dipped in nitric acid, revealing the basic outlines of design, including CUs of plate. CS of artist as he uses a card to apply ink to the surface of plate, then wipes off excess ink with a cloth. CSs as artist places inked plate on press bed where it is printed in its most basic form. LACSs of Blackwood operating press bed.


Excerpt from
Newfoundland and Labrador
National Film Board
Restriction Information
P, e, r, m, i, s, s, i, o, n, , m, u, s, t, , b, e, , o, b, t, a, i, n, e, d, , f, r, o, m, , D, a, v, i, d, , B, l, a, c, k, w, o, o, d, ;, , o, b, t, e, n, i, r, , p, e, r, m, i, s, s, i, o, n, , d, e, , D, a, v, i, d, , B, l, a, c, k, w, o, o, d
Available formats
Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio