STK-ID 34527

MSs of "Soapy Smith Skull" painted on rock face, of passengers getting off ship, of main street of Skagway. MCSs of bear cub being bottle fed. PANS of lush flower garden, mountains in background. CU of flower in full bloom. Various shots of majestuous mountain landscapes, rivers, valleys and waterfalls at White Pass, of Dead Horse Gulch. MSs of post on border between Alaska and Yukon, of mountie walking towards camera. TRAVELLING SHOTS of landscapes from moving train. Shots of mountains, mirror lakes. Sequence at Carcross showing harbour, passengers getting off train at station, steam train crossing trestle bridge over water, winding its way around mountain. Shots of Lake Atlin, British Columbia, snow-capped mountains in background. BOATING SHOTS of mountains, wheel of paddlewheeler boat in foreground. BOATING SHOTS towards Engineer Mine on shore at Atlin. Shots of prospector panning for gold at Pine Creek. HASs of rapids in river. HALS PAN of Whitehorse. Shots of hunter with two dogs. PANS of streets in Whitehorse. Shots of Sam McGee's cabin, of post, midnight sun in background. [titles interspersed]


Excerpt from
Carcross, Skagway, Northern British Columbia region, Whitehorse
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm dupe neg b&w, 35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486