STK-ID 34654

Eye Witness No 93: My Job - Highway Transport: interior shots of bedroom, young boy packing his father's suitcase, waking up his father, young boy being helped into coat by his mother. TRAVELLING SHOT of street at night, little traffic, lights and glistening pavement. Day shot of New York City street, little vehicular traffic, several pedestrians and London shoe store in background. Shot of unloading ramp at New York City warehouse, of Smith Transport truck backing into it. CUs of driver handling papers over to man on ramp, of drivers chatting in restaurant. MCS of driver playing slot machine, of slot machine, driver whirling, machine stopping.


Excerpt from
Eye Witness No. 93
New York (city)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w, 16mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio