STK-ID 34780

MS of a man and three children looking at an advertisement hanging on a tree beside river. CS of advertisement showing a salmon parr, a salmon smelt and a brook trout. CS of a boy looking at it. CSs of advertisements about a reward offered for salmon tags. MS of man and children sitting outside around a table, man showing them fish hooks. CSs of hooks in a box with man's hand in evidence. Several shots from different angles of two men in canoe and on riverbank fishing, of one of the men trying to net the fish the other one caught, of man spinning rod, of salmon in net, of them back in canoe fishing. Several other shots of them catching fish and doing same operations.


Excerpt from
The Atlantic Salmon
New Brunswick
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Digital Video Disk, HDCAM SR
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg, 35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080