STK-ID 34798

ZOOM IN on road closed by barrier. MLS of road below and river with mountains in distant background. PAN over road and fields to MS of two old farming tools (nail harrow and hand plow), panel describing their use in historical context. CS of illustrated panel. MS of two tools, PAN toward river. Shot of other tourist panel. ZOOM IN to MLS of small boat next to panel and river in background below. HALS of small cemetery below, river in background. TRAVELLING MLS of road leading down to cove, PAN over surrounding mountains.


Excerpt from
Une installation à disposer... Saint-Yvon, Gaspésie 1983
Saint Lawrence River, Gaspesie-Ile-de-la-Madeleine (region)
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio