STK-ID 34942

Bethune Hospital: MLS of ambulance car arriving at hospital and PAN to MLS of two men walking toward hospital pushing litter on wheel. LS and MLS of two men and litter walking toward hospital. MLS of hospital entrance door with people entering. MLS of hospital personnel walking away. MS to LS of people walking to hospital entrance, Bethune statue in front ground. MS to LS of nurses walking out with a litter, statue in front ground. MLS of people walking into entrance gate, ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT on a guard. CS on statue's head. TILT DOWN and ZOOM OUT to LS of hospital entrance and vice-versa. Interior shots in Bethune hospital of people visiting exhibits: several MSs and CSs of young people visitors' listening to guide's explanations. CS to MLS of guide's explaining exhibits, using pointer. MS to MLS of woman militia officer, Miss Lee being interviewed, painting and sculpture in background. Several MSs and CSs of paintings, including sentences written in English and Chinese signed Norman Bethune, showing Bethune activities on battlefields.


Excerpt from
North China Factory
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio