STK-ID 34955

After school activities: shot of school courtyard seen from third floor. HACS of children around 10 years old playing game. MS of boys doing acrobaties on simple bar. MLS of children playing social games. HAMLS to MCS of children playing social games. CS of balls jumping into basket (basketball practice). HAMLS, MCS of boys throwing balls to basket. HAMLS of group of girls sitting in circle, clapping hands, playing "Drop the handkerchief" game. HALSs of group of boys playing volleyball in courtyard. MCS of billboard with Chinese characters and PAN to CS on English sentence saying "study hard for the realization of the four modernizations". MS of a group of students watching a game. MLS of a man guiding a model airplane making circles in front of students spectators watching. MS of side PAN of spectators to MLS and LS of courtyard and people and LS of camera following the model airplane flying in circle. MS of man guiding airplane in front of spectators. MS of airplane landing on ground. MS of four men gathered around model airplane on ground, two of them leaving, plane taking off and flying, making circles, man guiding it. LS of camera following airplane making circles. Several MCSs and CSs of children's faces watching airplane. MCS of airplane landing and man taking it.


Excerpt from
North China Factory
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio