STK-ID 34964

Daycare center (DCC): MS of women arriving at factory with baby in arms and entering into daycare center. CS of woman leading carriage, entering into building. MLS frontview to CS backview of woman with baby going to DCC. MS to CS frontview of woman entering into building with baby. MS to CS of woman arriving at factory and mother with babies walking to DCC. MLS of women arriving at factory with special bicycles carrying baby-box on a third wheel. MSs of woman parking her bicycle and taking baby to DCC. MS of woman arriving and bringing baby to DCC and other woman coming out from DCC. MSs of woman arriving to DCC with baby in carriage and other woman going out to work. MS of other woman arriving with baby. LS of street bicycle traffic and workers arriving at factory.


Excerpt from
North China Factory
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio