STK-ID 34973

Retired workers after retiring ceremony: MLS taken from bus front window of musicians aboard a pick-up truck, playing their percussion instruments. LS sideview of the three-wheeled pick-up carrying musicians and bus followed behind with people walking and cycling on street side. Various MSs of bus alone and truck alone and cyclists on street side. TRAVELLING LS of crowd of people on sidewark, watching at bus passing by and vegetables displayed on sidewalk ground. MS of musicians playing aboard truck, bus following behind. LS of street sidewalk with people, truck carrying musicians appearing followed by bus, both coming toward camera, bus stopping in full frame, people getting down, gathering and entering building while musicians start to play in courtyard. TILT UP from musicians to building's windows wide opened to CS of somebody looking down through window frame. TILT DOWN to MS and CS of musicians still playing in courtyard. MS of musicians standing in pick-up truck box, setting instruments and starting to play, leaving retirees home, people salutations, musicians going away. MS of other group of people watching bus leaving.


Excerpt from
North China Factory
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio