STK-ID 35020

Several CUs, MSs, of sternwheeler "Moyie" at Kaslo, wheelhouse and wheel. TRAVELLING SHOT of the restored boat which was the "queen" of the Kootenay Lake during the early 1900s. Sequence on trainer roughhousing with young mountain lion, Robson Zoo. CUs of face of lion looking into camera. FOLLOW SHOT of mountain lion pacing back and forth in his cage. TRAVELLING SHOTs of zoo, of tubular sculpture. Sequence showing man catching eagle in cage. CU of eagle being held by man. Shots of man fondling badger. Sequence on barnyard fowls, roosters, hens, ducklings. Shot of black bear in cage. FOLLOW SHOT of fawn pacing back and forth in cage. Shot of man playing with porcupine, holding rattlesnake. Shots of rattler on ground. MS of young fox in man's arms. Two skunks in cage. Shots of Canadian lynx in cage. MSs, CUs of lynx.


Excerpt from
3 hommes au mille carré
Kaslo, Robson
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, HDCAM SR
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080