Profile shot of group looking at futuristic automobile in General Motor's pavilion at New York World Fair, car tilting, door opening and closing. Several shots, CUs, MSs of fair goers looking at car, of car itself on pedestal. Shot of United States Royal Tire exhibit, of Ferris wheel built like giant tire, of sign to that effect, of line-up. FOLLOW SHOTs of perambulator shaped like an automobile furnished by Hertz, child in pram, mother pushing, fair goers all about. Shots of ride in shape of elevated assembly line with car bodies suspended from tracks moving visitors through car manufacturing exhibit, line-ups. Various shots of exhibits related to automotive industry. PAN along line-up to GM ride, sign "Ride - Estimated Waiting Time 1 1/2 hrs". Several shots of people riding vintage cars at Avis exhibit. MSs, CUs of cars in middle of fountain, water jets surrounding cars.