STK-ID 35304

Several shots from different angles outside a Mennonite farmhouse of women plucking chickens, of an Amishman cropping off chicken's heads and washing the bodies in a bucket, of women at work around a long table. CSs of women and of their work with chicken, of Mr. Schimdt in garage (?) spraying a dead chicken. Cut outside on Amish children watching man chopping chicken. Cut on two men working on farm buildings, one up a ladder hammering down and the other one sawing pieces of wood. Various shots of Amishman hitching up a team of horses by the barn, walking with them to a wagon, yoking them at it with help of another man and leaving. Exterior MS of milk urns by a stone wall. Various shots inside barn of horses in stalls with Georges Schimdt feeding them and forking hay from the ground in stalls. Various shots of Henry Schimdt wearing black clothes walking from his house to farm building, checking the coach and going to get the horse, his wife arriving, of him harnessing horse to coach, of the couple leaving in coach. Various shots of rural road, farm buildings and fields including shots of two Amish boys running on the road toward camera, of the two boys in a corn field, of one of them sitting by baskets of apples, eating one. Shot of "No Sunday Sale" and "Sound horn for service, please" signs.


Excerpt from
Waterloo Farmers
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio