[Title: The Battered Mug; credits] Shots of newspaper presses in action. Montage of front pages, headlines, pictures including Lord Stanley, Stanley Cup, Lionel Conacher in hockey uniform, hockey player of the Montreal Maroons team in uniform. Shots of boys playing hockey on makeshift rink. PAN to Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. Shots of patrons entering Maple Leaf Gardens, including young Foster Hewitt. Shots of radio orchestra, of announcer Bob McIntyre. Shot of Hewitt broadcasting game from rink side. Various shots of hockey game in progress between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Maroons. Shots of Hewitt, of General Motors Orchestra playing, of announcer. Shots of radio engineers at their posts, of radio news service, including two CUs of 1930's era elctronic gadgetry. AIR TO AIR HAS of Ford Trimotor flying over city. Two AERIAL SHOTs of unidentified city, of steam train crossing prairie. Several shots, including CUs, of various electronic communication set-ups used for broadcasting of hockey games, wire service, radio relay, operators, antique vacuum tube messaging system, meters, interspersed with shots of telephone poles and wires. Shots of the General Motors radio orchestra, of various sports broadcasters at rink side in Maple Leaf Gardens, including Montreal's Charlie Howard. CU of hand turning on old fashion radio receiver. Composite shot of same scene showing several hands turning on several radio sets in same frame. Shots of house party, elegant guests dancing, stopping to listen to radio broadcast of hockey, of families listening to radio. Shots in quick succession of hockey game between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Maroons, of broadcaster Foster Hewitt, of radio announcer Bob McIntyre. Shot of Stanley Cup, known to Canadians as the "Battered Mug". [End title]