STK-ID 35519

MCSs of harvesting combine in operation at sunset. MCS of hay baling machine in operation in field and MCSs of bales of hay being mechanically conveyed into barn. PAN and CSs of "New Holland" farm machinery in parking lot of wholesale house. Various shots of green barley fields including CS of head of barley. MCSs of ripe barley swaying in wind. Various shots of barley being cut by binder. PAN of corn field. MCS of corn harvester in operation in field. MCSs, PANs of corn ears being dumped from truck, pushed in piles by tractor. MCSs of corn being mechanically husked.


Excerpt from
Agriculture Canada
Prairie Provinces
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio