[Title: Boy Farmer in Canada] Sequence on typical reception farm showing large mansion-like house, well kept fields and garden, farm buildings. Shot of superintendant walking by house, woman coming out, giving him telegram. CUs of telegram re boys arrival and of man reading. Shot of train pulling in at train station, British boys getting off and shaking hands with superintendant. Shots of Government truck driving boys to farm, riding through city and on country road. Sequence on boys at work on farm, milking cow, ploughing with horses, seeding with horse-drawn seeder, ploughing with tractor. Sequence showing elderly farmer walking up to his mansion-like house, discussing with his wife. CU of paper re British Boys for Canadian Farms. Sequence showing woman coming out of building, ringing bell, large group of boys entering building. MS of man talking to boy. Shots of boy leaving reception farm in car, arriving at farm, elderly farmer and wife welcoming him. Shots of farmer showing boy around farm, showing him how to drive horse-drawn plough in field. CS of elderly farmer watching boy working. MS of boy stopping horse team, farmer walking up to greet him. Sequence showing boy preparing soil for seeding with team of horses, of boy operating horse-drawn seeder. MS and CS of boy writing letter, farmer and his wife relaxing in background. [Titles interspersed]