STK-ID 3576

Interior shots of group of VIP's at a Six Nations Indian Organization conference, including MCSs of minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Jean Chretien. MCS of woman talking into microphone, PAN of group of VIP's, of Indigenous man talking into microphone. MCSs of unidentified person sitting at desk, talking. MCS of document about "The Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians-Position Paper-November 27, 1971", ZOOM IN to CS of document. MCS of Indigenous man talking into microphone. FOLLOW SHOT of group sitting at conference table, PAN to minister Jean Chretien and others, of Chretien getting up and talking. PAN to one of the men at conference table talking into microphone. MSs of another unidentified person reading statement. CSs of Chretien talking into microphone, PAN back and forth from Chretien to Indigenous woman at microphone, who seems to be arguing. (00/01/1972)


Excerpt from
Brantford Position Paper
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome, 35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio