Shot of TCA DC-8 jet on landing approach, flying low over camera. Front MS of ground crew man wearing earphones signalling plane (behind camera) to a stop. MLS of front end of TCA DC-8 jet, of people getting off. PAN to tail and people getting off through rear exit. MS of port of jet, of face of man wearing sunglasses peering out. LAS of control tower. Slow TRAVELLING SHOT through airplane port, airport buildings in the distance, wing and jet pods in foreground. Shot of jet pod and TILT UP to buildings. HAMLS of Vickers Vanguard and two Vickers Viscount in background, of TCA DC-8 jet taxiing in from afar, past turboprops and out of frame. Closer HAS of TCA DC-8 taxiing past camera in lower frame, TCA DC-8 jet parked in background and being checked by ground crew. Shot of facade of Montreal International Airport in Dorval, from under ramp at west end of building. Shot of TCA DC-8 moving slowly into frame, turning away from camera, pausing before take off run.