STK-ID 35889

MLS of a boulevard seen through the front window of school bus, vehicular traffic and snow in evidence. MCS of sign "Montreal Children's Hospital" and MS of the school bus driving into the hospital entrance. LAMS of the hospital building. MCS of "Domglas" building in Pointe Saint-Charles seen through the front window of moving bus and CS of the bus driver, snow in evidence. MS of school bus stopping to let students step out. MCSs inside the bus of the students singing. Several MSs, MCSs of school bus driving in town. TRAVELLING MS taken through the bus window, of tanks and army equipment parked in army depot. MCS of the kids inside the bus looking out a window.


Excerpt from
Class Project: The Garbage Movie
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio