STK-ID 36061

Several shots from different angles of a large crowd in streets of the white sector town of Pondichéry, of people waiting for the appearing of "The Mother" a French lady of ninety-three years old (in 1970) who is regarded by many as the incarnation of the divine, she appears to crowd to celebrate the 50th anniversary of her arrival in Pondichéry, of people on roofs of houses with cameras, of cameraman walking in street through crowd (many westerners are present). LAMSs, MCSs of "The Mother" on balcony looking at crowd including ZOOMs OUT on people in street, of her barely able to walk into building. Various shots on pictures of "The Mother" at different ages, including pictures of another man and of FADES IN from one picture to another.


Excerpt from
The India Trip
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio