BOATING SHOTs of vertical rock face at water's edge. ZOOM OUT from MCS of riverboat underway, steep wooded banks in background. Rear shot of riverboat. Low shot over water, wake of riverboat in distance. BOATING SHOTs of rocky shoreline, of water. MS of other riverboat pacing camera boat. CS of pinball machine, ball appearing briefly. Shot of pyramidal building, residences in background. MS of two rocks, "social credit is coming" written in French on it. MSs of red traffic light, French instructions to pedestrians re pedestrians, walk. MCSs of parking meter. MS of hydro electric outdoor substation, ZOOM IN. ZOOM OUT from bridge railing, truck driving by to include part of bridge structure, water rushing by below. CU of rushing water, shadow of bridge on it. LS of hydro towers on rocky hill, wooded slope in foreground. HAS over village near river, Tadoussac. PAN from village to mouth of river, boat on river in extreme distance. Shot of French "no fishing" sign and notice re fishing rights belong to Sainte-Marguerite Salmon-Fishing Club. LSs of two men fishing in canoe.