Various shots of army camp in Fort Churchill, snow on ground, soldiers in winter dress, boy leading dog coming along street, large snow plough passing in background, woman coming out of base hospital and walking towards camera. Shot of snowmobile driving past other snowmobile, entering Royal Canadian Electrical Mechanical Engineer Corps workshop. Interior shot of base library, of library hours on door. Shot of corporal selecting book and has it signed out. CU of librarian. Interior shot of base store, US Army sergeant walking up to camera and counter, examining model igloo. CU of igloo and statuettes. Shot of long file of soldiers marching past camera. LS and MS of train, of soldiers coming off. Various shots of exercise, soldiers snowshoeing over snowy featureless plain, very few trees visible. CU of soldier warming his face with mitts. Broadside shot of train arriving, soldiers coming out and standing in line, moving in single file past camera, snow falling, of soldiers filing into building. CU of boxcar, five soldiers moving into frame and stopping. CUs of heavily booted feet marching out of building. Various shots of soldiers leaving on exercise. (00/11/1954)