[Remark: these scenes deal with life of German prisoners of war being held in concentration camp somewhere in Canada during World War II.] HALS PAN over rows of barracks in prison camp, heavy bush in background. MS of two German prisoners hanging clothes on line, third man lounging in hammock in foreground. Shot of prisoners walking along wire enclosure, barracks in background. MS of man having his hair cut in prison barber shop, reading magazine with Veronica Lake on the cover. Exterior shot of prisoner doing exercises on parallel bars. MLS of prisoners assembling cabinets in prison carpentry shop. MCS of man cutting wood blocks on band saw, Canadian Army soldier looking on. Shots of group of shirtless prisoners hoeing garden. Shot of prisoners walking about, prison camp barracks in background. Interior shot of prisoners at work in blacksmith shop. Shot of field litter carriers being made in workshop. CU of bearded prisoner at work. Shots of prisoners at work making sheets and pillow cases, sitting at sewing machines.