STK-ID 36250

MS of Governor general Georges P Vanier standing, wife Pauline visible at extreme left frame. LS of Governor general and wife entering loge, standing for "God Save the Queen" anthem, sitting. Shot of Governor general and other man on stage. Interior shot of lobby, Governor general and retinue arriving. MS of small excursion boat sailing past camera. MS of deck, sightseers at the rail. Rear shot of luxury cruiser, large group on board. Shot of Vancouver skyline, water in foreground. Shots of TCA DC-8 jet taxiing in slowly, coming to a stop, mobile stairway being rolled up to plane and passengers getting off. MLS of DC-8 jet coming towards camera, turning in front. LA PAN of sign "Welcome to Vancouver". Medium level AERIAL SHOTs of Vancouver. Various shots of passengers on tarmac, air terminal in background, passengers boarding airport limousine, airport bus.


Excerpt from
Vancouver Drama Festival
Vancouver (city)
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome, 35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio