Front MCS of boy carving argillite. HAMS of young Haida artist Robert Davidson polishing carving at his table, lantern sitting on table. Side HAS and DOLLY SHOT around Davidson. Several CUs of his hands carving argillite. Rear shot of him carving. Two dark profile shots of young Haida artist, Robert Davidson lighting gasoline lantern, proceeding with carving. Front CU of him carving. Side MLS of Haida carver Robert Davidson working on carvings in garden, Davisdon and Robert’s grandfather, Robert Davidson, Sr. discussing their work, Davidson walking out. Brief front MCS of grandfather carving. Profile shot of him polishing figurine, his wife (Robert Davidson's grandmother Florence Edenshaw Davidson) approaching to speak to him. CUs of man's hands carving. CUs of man's and woman's hands with small totem, polishing carving.