CUs of Saint Peters Bay's villagers watching ceremony. CUs and MSs of villagers watching parade. CUs of children's faces watching. TRAVELLING HAS of people watching parade. Shots of people at Saint Peters' celebration, of young boys resting in grass, of man preparing to play violin, of man in high hat and mutton chop whiskers. CUs of little girl munching on candy, of people looking at jigging off frame. Various shots of people from Victoria at Memorial Hall, on sidewalks, of some of them through rear view mirror of bicycle. Various MSs of people sitting at outdoor ceremony in Victoria, many children. CUs of faces of men on Victoria pier. PAN from one to the other as they wait for race, dull day. FOLLOW SHOT of lieutenant-governor Willibald Joseph Macdonald walking to his car and driving away. Shots of two boys mounting ponies, of people in front of Memorial Hall in Victoria, of boys on ponies. Shots of people watching something off frame in Quebec City, raining. Shot of VIP stepping off ship, entering auto, rain. Several shots of people lining parade route in Crapaud, CUs of many children. Shots of baby in stroller, of children, adults watching show off frame.