Sequence showing two men in lobster boat dumping traps and floats overboard, choppy sea. LSs of North Rustico from water, fishing boats moving towards village. Various shots of fishing boats approaching harbour, of boats moored to piers. Sequence showing men putting live lobsters into paper bags in Victoria, women and children standing by. Shots of lobsters on block, of boy, women looking on, of tourist snapping pictures of other woman holding lobsters. Sequence on men inspecting lobsters, handling them. CUs of live lobsters, of man's hands, face, of boy's face. Shot of men moving crates of lobsters, handling lobsters. Various shots of fishermen in boat at dusk, red cast to their faces, small diffuse sun setting. Shots of stern, of wake of boat. Sequence showing two men fishing with hand lines, pulling in fish, cutting bait in pieces. Shots of men wearing rain wear. Shots of fishes in boat. CUs of man rolling cigarette, lighting it. BOATING SHOT of North Rustico as camera boat approaches harbour. Sequence on seagulls soaring singly and in groups. Various harbour scenes showing boat approaching, boats sailing by, stacks of lobster traps, rocky beach. MS of cluttered pier, ZOOM OUT to two men working among some barrels. Shot of boys sitting on pier, lobster traps in background. Shot of two fishermen returning home at sundown, setting sun over water.