STK-ID 36702

[Material taken from "The Sea"]: HAS of dolphins in pool, swimming upright on their tails to show off and get food (SS-1831-ECN-63). Underwater shots of dolphins in pool, frolicking about (SS-1831-ECN-65). Shot of dolphins performing in show, jumping out and diving into water in unison (SS-1831-ECN-64). FOLLOW SHOT of single dolphin performing in pool, swimming upright on its tail (SS-1831-ECN-63). Undewater shot of dolphins diving into water, swimming past (SS-1831-ECN-66). Undewater shot of dolphins jumoing out and diving into water (SS-1831-ECN-65). Front shot of dolphin jumping through hoop (SS-1831-ECN-64).


Excerpt from
Replacement Footage
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm Interpositive, 16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio