STK-ID 36735

Sequences showing Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip disembarking royal yacht, shaking hands, being led to dais. Several shots of Queen inspecting Canadian Guards Regiment accompanied by sword bearing officer, PAN to yacht, TILT UP to Royal Standard flag. Shot of group of veterans with Union Jack flag, PAN to Prince Philip, Governor General Georges Vanier and admiral chatting. PAN along length of "Britannia" and to guards. Sequence showing queen finishing inspection, returning to dais, standing while guards present arms, veterans saluting, band playing "God Save The Queen" anthem. Shots of royal party getting into limousines, driving off. Sequence on arrival at Confederation Building, crowd, bands, taken from building opposite Confederation Building. Shots of Queen and Premier Walter Russell Shaw, of Prince Philip, of photographers at work, of Premier Shaw, Prime Minister Lester B Pearson, Queen speaking intercut to members of royal party listening intently. Front CU of cameramen and cameras. Side shot of cameramen, TILT DOWNs to crowd and television camera crane. Telephoto MLS of queen and party walking away, TILT DOWN to spectators. CUs of television "On the Air" light. Shot of television viewer image of crowd in Charlottetown auditorium. Sequence showing royal party arriving, Queen receiving bouquets, chatting with members of Canadian Scouting. Shot through television viewfinder.


Excerpt from
The Hundredth Summer
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio