STK-ID 36791

Several front and rear shots, telephoto and normal, of cyclists streaming along highway, through towns. Shots of cyclists being revictualed on the fly, of cyclists followed by retinue of cars. Telephoto shot of tightly packed cars, no markings. Telephoto shots of cyclists negotiating sudden rise in road, appearing to be jumping over obstacles on road. Shot of sign re highest altitude, 2,868 feet. Shot of sign, cyclists speeding by in background, Spruce & Tamarack in background. LS of cyclists speeding by construction site on road. FOLLOW ELS of cyclists visible through gaps in almost solid cover of foliage, speeding over and away from bridge to LS of paper mill. HAS of cyclists passing over bridge, moving through town, nobody around. HAS of cyclists speeding through street lined with spectators. Shots of cyclists on road, of racers negotiating steep hill, moving past spectators in various towns. ECU of bikes blurring past camera in extreme foreground.


Excerpt from
60 cycles
Quebec (province)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, HDCAM SR
Shooting format
35mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080