Several CUs of Buster Keaton with and without his famous flat hat talking, putting on a show as he is being interviewed. Front shots of informal Keaton at dinner in his railway car, National Film Board employees listening to him. Shots of Keaton receiving certificates made out to Eleanor Keaton and to himself awarded by the Order of the Good Time of Nova Scotia. Shots of photographers snapping pictures. Shots of Keaton talking in Julian Biggs' office, of Biggs. CUs of soundman with earphones, of portable sound recorder, Keaton in background. CU of Keaton talking to interviewer in background. Short sequence showing Keaton being made up for television. Shots of television interview, of Keaton and interviewer on cameras, Keaton and interviewer in viewfinders. PRs, GPs of Keaton singing, playing the ukulele in his private railway car.