Shots of people in railway station, Buster Keaton arriving by car, walking into station with his wife. Shot of Keaton and wife playing cards. Sequence showing National Film Board crew meeting Keaton and his wife at station, Keaton trying on flat hat. Several shots of Keaton on train, in his private car, eating in company of his wife, chatting with NFB employees, passing scenery in background in some shots. CU of hand-painted birthday card, of Keaton looking at it. Sequence at airport terminal, new arrivals being greeted. Shots of Keaton and his wife chatting with NFB employees, shaking hands all around, being bussed by Jo Kirkpatrick. Shot of the couple walking to United Airline Boeing 727, boarding plane. Shot of railway car, Keaton playing cribbage with another man, passing scenery visible through window in background. Shots of Keaton playing solitaire.