Several AERIAL SHOTS of river with islands and two bridges, village with houses and roads, then rivers, woods, village. AERIAL SHOT of subdivided plots, followed by AERIAL SHOT of village. CS of rocks of different colours and sizes. MS of glass rod with bulb at tip: rod is held in concrete base by steel plate. Instrument is used at weather stations. ZOOM IN to part of instrument. MCS of grass, followed by TILT UP metal pipe with cap on end. Hand removes cap and long chain with glass tube on end can be seen. Hand removes tube and then puts it back in pipe, followed by TILT DOWN to grass. MLS of plant nursery. ZOOM IN to man opening gate in metal fence and walking over to pole. He climbs small ladder to box attached to pole. CS of length of pipe in concrete footing, then spray of water hitting pipe. ECU of pipe with water.