MSs of silhouettes of soldiers against lighted sky, speaking in walkie-talkie, marching in small groups. Interior shot of command bunker at night, of officers listening as commanding officer explains strategy on rough map. MS of map. Shot of other men in darkness, answering telephone, working at desk. MLS of soldiers standing by their heavy anti-tank recoiless 106mm rifle in woods. Shot of two soldiers fortifying dugout with sand bags. Various shots of soldiers getting their rations from mobile canteen, eating in field. Various shots of army convoy moving on road, turning off. CUs of wheels of ten-wheeler passing close to camera, of military police guiding truck to a stop. Shot of supplies being unloaded and transferred to another truck. CU of wall map, pencil pointing to significant details. Shots of road signs, of directional signs. Various shots of soldiers in field, studying "enemy" through binoculars, consulting maps. LSs, MSs of soldiers charging across field. CU of bearded soldier in dugout.