Shots of officers going aboard HMCS Ontario. Shots from bow of Ontario HMCSas she leaves Esquimalt. LS of HMCS Ontario moored at Pearl Harbour Naval Base. Shots of hula girls dancing on dock to welcome HMCS Ontario. Shots of cadets sightseeing in Honolulu. HMCS Ontario taken from an island. Shot of cadet using navigational instrument for dead reckoning ship's position. Shots taken from Ontario HMCS at sea. Shots of ceremonies aboard at crossing the Equator, Neptune, dunking. Shot of mass being celebrated on deck. Shots of cadets painting bulkheads to prevent rusting. Shots of cadets scrubbing decks. Several classroom shots of cadets receiving instruction on various subjects. Cadets carrying out exercise on beach of south sea island. MS of Sydney bridge (Sydney, Australia). Numerous shots from various angles of HMCS Ontario docked at Brisbane (Australia), crowds of sightseers going aboard for a tour. Several shots from various angles of HMCS Ontario's band giving outdoor concert at Brisbane (?) or Sydney (?).