Ti-Jean Goes Lumbering: shots of scaler and tallyman measuring pile of wood in snowy forest, of man filling drums with water from hole in ice, horse pulling sled with water drums away and into camps. Shot of man loading split firewood in small pieces. Sequence on lumberjacks chopping trees, branching them, including CUs of faces, of saws biting in wood, of spruce tree trunk being cut, falling. Shots of horses moving through snow-laden trees. Shots of small horse-drawn sleds loaded with logs moving past camera on winter road. LS of horse-drawn sleds moving by at dusk. Shot of men loading sled with logs. Brief shots of snow-covered evergreens in forest. HAS over log dump on frozen river. Several shots, MLSs, CUs of man telling story at beginning of film, of cook in lumber camp, of Ti-Jean himself. Time-lapse shots of Ti-Jean cutting wood.