STK-ID 3758

Several shots of buildings under construction in northwestern Canada. Shots of floors being laid, men packing insulation wool into floor wells. Shots of man wearing cloth around neck to ward off black flies painting frame-house. Shots of carpenters raising wooden superstructure of house, Indigenous man using hammer to join joists, of man planing wood with hand plane. Shots of men stacking pre-constructed end gables. Shot of man using arc welder to join steel beams on construction site. Shot of men fitting metal housing over exterior heating pipes to protect against winter. Shots of National Research Council Northern Research Centre buildings. Shot of headquarters of Mackenzie detachment of Royal Canadian Mounted Police, constable arriving in station wagon, entering building.


Excerpt from
Building in the North
Northwest Territories
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome, 16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio