CUs of the faces of two men and a woman speaking during a meeting. FOLLOW SHOT of Saul Alinsky from table to blackboard as a group of concerned citizens from Dayton, Ohio, consult Alinsky on the means of creating an effective organization; Alinsky, sitting at the table, has a discussion with the citizens. MCU, CU of Saul Alinsky , standing behind a podium, making a speech to the graduating class of the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, Massachusetts; CUs of his hands; shot of front rows of audience seen from the stage. During a meeting of the standing committees who report once every week at The Woodlawn Organization (T.W.O.) Headquarters in Chicago, Illinois, PAN from 20-30 persons, mostly African Americans, to Mr Bolin Bland, Executive Vice President of T.W.O., chairing the meeting; MCUs of some of the citizens in the audience reporting as to what their activities have been during the past week; PAN from the people in the audience to a woman who raised her hand to speak, to the chairman, Mr Bland, and back to the woman. Various shots during a meeting in a closed room between a minister and three members of the B.U.I.L.D. organization's job committe in Buffalo, New York. Various shots of a larger meeting of the B.U.I.L.D. organization's job committe. MCU of Minister Franklin Delano Roosevelt Florence, elected president of the F.I.G.H.T. (Freedom, Independence, God, Honor, Today) organization, speaking emphatically during a F.I.G.H.T.convention in Rochester, New York; cut to floor, people standing, holding many placards. Various shots of the front of the T.W.O. organization Headquarters in Chicago, elevated tracks nearby; few people seen through the window inside. PAN from Alinsky to other men on the stage, to audience and back again during Alinsky's speech to the graduating class of the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, Massachusetts.