Several shots of royal couple and Secretary of State Judy Lamarsh chatting on dais, enormous centennial birthday cake in background. Shot of several children marching in circle with gaily coloured banners. Shot of cake cutting ceremony from dais. LSs of hundreds of balloons rising, Royal Canadian Mounted Police in foreground, balloons, Peace Tower in background. Shot of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip chatting with handicapped youngster. PAN over large crowd. Shot of handicapped girl waving to crowd from dais. Shot of mountie tending to child lying on ground near dais. MS of Judy Lamarsh and John Fisher. Sequence on tap dancers dressed as lumberjacks performing, wielding broad axes. Several CUs of children drinking pop, eating ice cream. Shots of adults, some sitting, lying on grass. Shot of tap dancers. Several shots of crowd including bemedalled veteran holding small Red Ensign flag. Sequence on royal couple and Governor General Roland Michener shaking hands with VIPs, chatting, member of Parliament George Hees is conspicuous. Shot of four women and man dressed in period clothes, flags in background. Underexposed sequence on boy at night, very little visible. Shot of royal visitors arriving at Nepean Point, of couple shaking hands. Shots of royal party, of Queen with Prime Minister Lester B Pearson, large crowd of VIPs sitting in stands to watch fireworks. Shot of John Fisher making speech. (01/07/1967)