STK-ID 38075

Joint Canadian-United States Exercise "Sweetbriar"", 02/1950. FOLLOW SHOT of Royal Canadian Air Force Northstar aircraft taxiing on Northway, Alaska airstrip, Defence Minister Brooke Claxton stepping off plane, meeting general Chamberlin in charge of Sweetbriar operation. Group shots of top officials. CU of Claxton. CU of, left to right, chief of staff, General Foulkes, US Ambassador to Canada Laurence Steinhardt. CU of Major-General Chris Vokes, Officer Commanding of Central Command and Major-General MHS Penhale, Officer Commanding of Western Command and assistant director of Exercise Sweetbriar. FOLLOW SHOT of Northstar taking off snowy runway. Several shots of "aggressor" defence position at Northway airstrip, US 867th Ack Ack Regiment manning 40mm antiaircraft gun. HAS over Northway base. Shot of radar antenna. Shot of observers leaded by Claxton looking over positions on "allied" side, vehicle in ditch, bivouacs forward gun post, Headquarters vehicle of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. CU of Lieutenant-Colonel Don Cameron, Officer Commanding of PPCLI. TRAVELLING SHOTs of convoy moving on snowy road. Sequence on part of allied force, US 14th Infantry Regiment with toboggans, skis, vehicles, taking up positions for final assault. CUs of faces. Shot of top officials standing by while US troops fire 105mm Howitzer, no recoil. CU of Steinhardt, Foulkes, Claxton watching. (00/02/1950)


Excerpt from
Exercise Sweet Briar
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, HDCAM SR, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080