MLS and closer shot of India Pavilion. Shot of visitors entering, TILT UP tower. Shot of flag. Closer shots of entrance, man shooting with camera, visitors coming out, going in. Interior shots of pavilion showing exhibits, visitors talking with hostess. Closer shot of hostess, visitors. Vertical shot of people on floor below. HAS of visitors from top of staircase. TILT UP from ivory object in glass case to visitors looking, hostess explaining. Full face CU of hostess. TILT UP from brass urn to hostess handling synthetic fabrics. Shot of model of temple cart. Shot of visitors moving by modern machine tools. Shot of man talking to hostess. Shot of boy approaching hostess and asking about model fertilizer plant nearby. CUs of boy, hostess. Shots of model of Taj Mahal, of mural depicting the Creation, of visitors moving through industrial section, machinery, jet engine. Shots of large ivory chessmen. TILT UP painted peacock. TILT UP another colourful bird. Shots of dancer performing the "Kathak" on stage, of woman dancer and two musicians. Shot of visitors looking on. Sequence on India tea terrace, customers enjoying refreshments. (00/09/1967)