STK-ID 38165

MLS, MS of two Zouaves on sentry duty at entrance to Zouave camp, tents visible in background. MS from inside tent of sentry walking back and forth at night. Exterior MLS of sentry marching back and forth. HAMLS, ZOOM IN on tents around corner of field, Zouaves milling about in front. MS of Zouaves on parade, ordering arms. Shots of bugles, of standard bearer. Longer shot of bearer, Zouaves at attention in background. MS of Zouave troopers, officer with sword drawn. HAMCS of Montcalm Naval Band playing. Shot of wreaths at foot of cenotaph, TILT UP. Shot of Zouave officer marching to cenotaph, laying wreath, saluting, marching back, PAN to assembled crowd. Shot of colourful stained glass window, ZOOM OUT to include Zouaves in church. ZOOM OUT from insignias on table, priest blessing insignias, handing them out. DOLLY OUT of Zouaves filing out of pews towards and on both sides of camera. Shots of directional signs pointing towards Zouave camp, street signs, highway signs. Shots of two young troopers practicing fancy rifle drill in front of tent. FOLLOW SHOT of band led by drum major, colour party, marching onto field, stopping in front of Commanding Officer's tent. (00/06/1967)


Excerpt from
Avec tambours et trompettes
Quebec (province)
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio