Shot of Williams Lake, British Columbia, PAN to town of Williams Lake at foot of tree-covered slope. Short TRAVELLING SHOT of front of tractor trailer. ZOOM IN on plaque re Chilcotin Bridge, ZOOM OUT to include Fraser River. Shot of bridge. Shot of sign re Soda Creek Ferry. Sequence on car driving onto ferry, ferry crossing river. Shot of car approaching camera on rough, muddy road. Shot of Rudy Johnson and friend, PAN to Johnson's cattle in reedy field. MLSs of Johnson's farm house, stable log construction. Sequence on construction of bridge, pre-assembled box bridge being slid over Fraser River by means of loggers' skylines and donkey engine-powered winch. Various shots of men at work on bridge including Rudy Johnson, engineer and others, of men planking deck of bridge. Shot of bulldozer working on approaches to bridge. Shot of Mrs Johnson sitting in car, cutting ribbon opening bridge, Rudy Johnson standing by. Shot of tractor trailer approaching bridge with load of logs, crossing bridge. Shots of bridge from approaching truck, of driver and dash board, of frozen river, snow on ground. (00/11/1968)