STK-ID 38213

MSs of the last man crossing the cliff to join the two other climbers. Back view HAMLS of the three climbers relaxing on a large ledge. PAN to mountainous landscape. Various shots of the leader climbing face of Mount Weir and of the two other climbers resting on a ledge. MS of Mount Weir. MLS of a man climbing a cliff of Mount Weir and then roping down. MS of Mount Weir to ZOOM IN on a climber in the middle of the cliff. MLS, TILT UP to an other man roping down. ZOOM OUT to MS of the mount. MLS of the climber roping down to join the one in the middle of the cliff. MLS of the climber roping down Mount Weir.


Excerpt from
Les Rochassiers
Quebec (province)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio