STK-ID 38214

Various AERIAL SHOTs of Mount Saint-Hilaire. LSs of downtown Montreal taken from Mount Royal. PAN to MS of Mount Saint-Hilaire, including one shot with ZOOM OUT and PAN back to downtown Montreal. MLS PAN of Man and his World site. ZOOM OUT to ELS of Mount Saint-Hilaire, trees in the foreground. PAN on the autostade, Bonaventure Freeway, Victoria Bridge, buildings, to ZOOM OUT downtown. MS of Mount Saint-Hilaire. PAN on landscape and of another mount in background. TILT UP to helicopter in sky. PAN back to Mount Saint-Hilaire; the helicopter still in evidence. MS PAN of Mount Saint-Hilaire, rocks and trees in evidence. ZOOM OUT to PAN back. LAMLS, MS of a man climbing a cliff, posing snap hooks and knocking on hooks with a hammer. MCS of a climber drinking water, in his hands, taken from mountain spring. TILT UP MS of spring in rocks, moss and grass in evidence.


Excerpt from
Les Rochassiers
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Montreal
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Born Digital, ProRes
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
2048x1556, 1920 x 1080