STK-ID 38267

Montreal buildings: MSs of building facades, of roofs of low buildings. LASs of straight up skyscraper. MS of Notre-Dame Church, TILT UP one tower, PAN to other tower, to Alfred Building and to fire station beside it. MS of gothic arches of Notre-Dame Church. MS of top of Bell Telephone Building. MS of front of Queen Elizabeth Hotel, PAN to Saint-James Cathedral (today Queen Mary of the World). CU of facade of building, people in one of the windows. Several CSs of facade of Sun Life Building on Dominion Square, some showing workmen at work. Several TILT UPs and TILT DOWNs ending in incidental shots of traffic on Metcalfe Street. TILT UPs and TILT DOWNs Bell Telephone Building, of part of Saint-James Cathedral.


Excerpt from
A Is for Architecture
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486