Various shots of the potlatch and totem pole raising ceremony held in August 1969 in Masset, Haida Gwaii (formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia: HA ESTABLISHING SHOT of potlatch banquet in hall. Several level shots of guests eating, being served. HALSs of a Haida man in ceremonial clothing on stage, talking, applause from table near stage. An elderly man joining him. Cut to Haida artist Robert Davidson accompanied by a woman, both in ceremonial costumes and headdresses, standing on stage with the others. HAS of women passing around Thunderbird prints among the audience. MLS of two elderly women dancing, performing on stage. HAMS of Robert Davidson and the woman at microphone below the stage. Shot of man in street clothes joining them and shaking their hands. Various HAMSs, MLSs of guests at tables, things being passed down, drinks being served.