Fishing Harbour: sequence of shots of young man walking from weather-beaten house on rocky shoreline to dory resting on rocks, young man launching dory and rowing away. Shots of young man rowing dory away under a wooded bridge. HAS of dory and man as seen from bridge directly above. Boating shots of man rowing, from same boat, of car locks, calm water of river. Large piles of lobster traps, other fishing gear on rocky shore and on flimsy wharf seen at beginning of sequence. Interior shots of shed, men building a dory. HASs and MSs of men at work. Shots of men carrying finished dory outside and storing it upside down with other dories alongside shed. Shot, along the beach, of surf coming in on cold, blustery day, houses in background. Square-on shots of waves rolling in towards the camera, breaking, dismal day. Red-tinted shot of setting sun, slightly larger than normal, half-visible at the horizon, sea in foreground.